Ranthambore Safari Experience From Visitors
The following stories are shared with us from our readers/visitors which they experienced during the safari. If you also want to share your park experience, please share your story with original photographs at feedback@ranthamborenationalpark.com We will review and publish here.

“T19 Krishna Female”
We visited the Ranthambore National Park Safari on 15.02.2014. We saw the Tigress at 0440 pm just for a minute and our escort Mr. Suresh Kumar, a vigilant and an intelligent person, was driving across Zone 3 and just visualize her. He told us that she is rarely visible and we were lucky to have a glimpse. She recently was blessed with 2 cubs too.
The experience was rare and of lifetime.
We had seen Tigers in cage and other animals but this was a great feeling to saw and shoot them lively.
This will be in our memory for years and good to know the positive response from the Forest Department Officials when we saw T19.

Jignesh Minaxi Patel
AF-S Nikkor 300mm F/4D if-ed.
“T-24 (Ustad) – Male Tiger”
t-24-ustadIt was my 24th safari in a tiger reserve, and it was the first time I saw a male tiger this close, and the most enthralling part was, this handsome guy ROAR for us two times, no words to describe that experience, along with his roar, my goose bumps roared too!
Zone – 2, Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan, India, photo taken on 14th morning, Nov-13.

Hiren Patel, Surat Gujarat India
This BIG cat came too close to us, you can make out from my picture here. He was huge n handsome. Just few more seconds before he disappeared from our sight. What happened next was simply awesome, he roared n roared again. Just as he was saying “Abbbbe Khaaaamosh” to the animals giving alarm calls, n believe me it was dead silence after he roared.”

Joseph Mondal
Daylight was fading fast as we were returning in a Gipsy from a visit to the ruins of Ranthambhore Fort. We were almost near the gateway on Ranthambhore Road much outside the core areas of RNP. Suddenly, there was an alarm call of a sambar from the nearby bushes.
Our driverji immediately stopped the vehicle, switched off the engine and pointing his finger towards some bushes, whispered that a tiger will emerge from there. Everything seemed to fall silent and freeze to a stillness that cannot be described. Even the blades of grass stood motionless. And sure enough, after 15 seconds, out strode Zalim one of the bigger males and sauntered across the clearing before disappearing into the bushes and approaching darkness. This picture is all I could manage in those conditions.
By the time we reached the road head it had become dark and a crescent moon was up in the sky. Those few moments spent in the company of this majestic creature will be cherished forever.”

Khurram Mughal, Jodhpur, Rajasthan India
It was evening around 5 and we were coming back from our safari…….as i didnt sighted any tiger I have a bit sad…..thwn suddenly my eyes saw a creature in similar state of mines…..he was calm, sad and silent…..i stopped the gypsy and shared my sadness with him…..